Here Are Some Frequently Asked Questions That Our Team Has Taken The Time To Answer For You

What Are The Benefits of Chiropractic Care?

Our chiropractic care will be of benefit whether your daily physical activity is walking the dog, riding your bike to school, taking a yoga class, hiking a trail, training for a marathon, or maybe you haven’t found a daily physical activity yet. No matter where your activity level lies, we’re ready to get you out of pain and to find an active care plan for you. Keeping your muscles, joints, and tendons healthy and strong contribute to a pain-free, uninjured body. 

What To Do After You See the Chiropractor

Drink water. It is very important to stay hydrated after your chiropactic appointment.

Avoid sitting for long periods of time after seeing the chiropractor, if possible, and enjoy the mobility that your adjustment has created by going for a long walk, or take a bike ride. If you are headed back to work and have the option of a standing desk—utilize it!

What To Wear When Coming to the Chiropractor

Be sure to wear comfortable and loose clothing that will not interfere with or get in the way of the treatment you are booked for. There is a lot of movement and exercises that happens during our chiropractic visits and it is important that your clothing doesn't hinder you. And yes, you do get to keep your clothes on.

How Often Should You Get Adjusted by a Chiropractor?

When you are just starting new patient visits it is common to be seen multiple times in the first couple of weeks. As your body responds to the treatments the number of appointments will drop. This timeline is different for everyone, but our main goal is to get you out of our clinic and back to what you love.

How Do I Prepare For A Chiropractor Visit?

Before the appointment

  • Complete new patient or any other necessary paperwork prior to visit
  • Drink plenty of water and make sure you’re well hydrated
  • Take a short walk or engage in activities that get you up and moving
  • Take note of the pain or discomfort so you can relay them appropriately to a chiropractor

What is an adjustment?

Is my spine "out"? What are those noises?

We get this question a lot. A chiropractic adjustment does not put your bones back into place, nor are you out of alignment. If your bone was out of place this would be called a dislocation and that is not a condition treated by chiropractic care. 

A chiropractic adjustment helps put motion into a joint that has restrictions. A joint is the articulation between two bones that allows for movement in our bodies. When there is a restriction in the joint that is where the chiropractic adjustment comes in. 

An adjustment consists of a high velocity low aplitude (HVLA) thrust into the restriction to help restore normal function and movement. The adjustment never exceedes normal range of motion. 

The noise "cracking/ popping" sound or cavitation is not your bones grinding against each other. The noise actually comes from a release of gas from the joint as it is moved. This doesn't always happen and "pop" is not necessary to have a successful adjustment. 

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